November 06, 2016

"Annapolis Valley Softball Legend" Carl Best Dies

August 28th, 1926 - November, 2016
Carl Best
(Photo;Town of Berwick)
Home: Waterville, Nova Scotia.
Carl was a popular softball pitcher through 40's, 50's and 60's. When Carl pitched twenty-seven innings in twenty-four hours for the Waterville Farmers against the Greenwood Flyers, in 1950, the newspaper account of the day referred to him as the best softball pitcher "ever" in the Valley.

Carl began playing ball at Waterville School and it was obvious from the beginning that he had a special talent for pitching.

After the Second World War, softball developed in popularity. A league began in Waterville and eventually spread to include the whole Valley. Carl helped to organize his first team, the Waterville Farmers, in 1946. The Farmers evolved into the Waterville 7-Ups and later the Waterville Mohawks.

In 1956 the Mohawks played against Sydney for the Nova Scotia Championship. Carl, with his famous riseball, threw a brilliant two-hitter in the deciding game, but he saved his best for the Nova Scotia - Prince Edward Island Championship against RCAF Prince Edward Island. Carl threw a no-hitter and also scored the winning run, in effect winning his own game.

In 1958 the Mohawks kept their name but moved to Aylesford. Carl continued to star. In a series against Westville, he was the winning pitcher in both games and, again, he shone at the plate as well, hitting three times in the championship game. The paper of the day described his being carried off the field in glorified fashion by team mates and fans.

Carl moved to the Cambridge Red & Whites in 1964 and won another Nova Scotia Championship. He was once again brilliant as he put Sydney away with a four-hit performance in the championship game.

On the rare occasions when Carl's team was beaten out, he was held in such high respect that he was always picked up by the winning team to help them continue in their quest for the title. In 1963, he was recruited by the Berwick Allstars in their victorious campaign against his old team, the Aylesford Mohawks.

Carl is a very humble man who gives a lot of the credit for his successes to the teammates that he felt privileged to play with over the years. After his playing career, he went on to manage with longtime friend and coach Dr. Ron Thorpe.

At age fifty-three, Carl returned to the Waterville Mohawks to experience the thrill of playing one game with his two sons, Colin and Carmen.

Carl was inducted into the Berwick Sports Hall of Fame in 2005.

On Saturday, November 5th, son Colin posted a Facebook message informing the community of Waterville that they had lost the long time resident and friend.

Here is a copy of Colin's post:
"Waterville has lost one of its oldest and "Best "citizens, my Dad Carl Best. Born in 1926 just before the Great Depression , like many, he grew up in what we would now consider poverty. However, having a garden and cows and pigs and chickens they certainly did not consider themselves poor.

He was considered ,during his prime ,the best softball pitcher in the valley. In a NS/PEI championship game he threw a no hit shutout and scored the only run of the game for the Waterville team. He was inducted into the Berwick and Dist Sports Hall of Fame as an Athlete and twice more as a team member (Waterville Mohawks and Cambridge Red &Whites).
A proud citizen of Waterville for 89 of his 90 years, he was a 32 year veteran of the Waterville and District Fire Dept., a founding member / secretary/treasurer of the Waterville Recreation Club, a very active member of Waterville Field Days Committee and a member of several church choirs including The Waterville Eight who travelled the valley and beyond. He also sang solos at many weddings and funerals in the area.

Far more meaningful than any of the above, he was a most generous and kind person as you'll ever meet. Mom told me this morning , without mentioning names, that he would sit in the porch on Christmas Eve (before the stores closed....and there were stores in Waterville then)...and go meet people of even lesser means than himself....shake their hand , pass them a five or ten , then watch them return to their homes with a grocery bag full of food or gifts. 
I've got nothing more to say than that.

"I'd love to see the Angels faces
When they hear your sweet voice sing" Thanks Vince Gill"

To anyone who knew him, Carl Best was a great competitor and gentleman who was respected by his opponents and loved by his teammates and fans. I personally remember Carl as a great neighbor and friend. As a young boy I remember Carl always there to offer a ride to the arena on a cold winter night or load a young group of ballplayers into his car for our road games. I spent many hours at the Best home with my friend Carm. Carl Best and his lovely wife Barb will always have a warm place in my heart. If the world had more people like Carl and Barb, it would be a much better place.

Thanks Carl and Barb for making Waterville a great place to grow up. Carl you will be forever missed and respected. Sorry Colin and the Best family for your loss; by Dave Wheeler.

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